Sleeve tutorial "kharta à même"

To start, we must draw two perpendicular lines
Armhole line and sleeve length line
The pictures below.
armhole line
sleeve length line

the two perpendicular lines

mark the armhole
mark 26 cm from the armhole

go down 10 cm and mark the point

Join point 10 with the intersection of the two lines

Trace on this line 26 cm from the armhole, this is the new armhole line
draw a line parallel to the Sleeve Length line to draw kharta
El kharta on sleeve it's kharta bodice plus one
kharta + 1 ==> 6 + 1 seam value
i.e. 7cm
draw 21 cm of the bottom of the sleeve from 64 cm of sleeve length and that the line is perpendicular

join the point of the lower sleeve at the end of the kherta with a straight line
do not forget to check kharta on the fabrics


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