
Showing posts with the label dress

Astuce, DIY, couture

It's always a hassle with small household machines, and especially old ones, whether mechanical or electrical, in terms of thickness, it sucks.  I have a small household machine which I always find difficult to sew knit fabrics, Jersey ..... How to do it and my intimate friend whom I can't refuse asks me to make her two long strapless dresses of 1 because it's super trendy and of 2 the fabric is so beautiful; putting it on you feel the freshness in the middle of the summer heat, especially that of Dubai, where she should have spent this vacation. And waw I tried, I broke a lot of needles, I zapped the seam well finished, until I tried this trick, not bad!!!! It's a dress made up of two kinds of fabrics (knit and linen yarn) that I had a lot of difficulty putting together with my small and old machine. She skips stitches, she breaks needles... Good thought, I said to myself that at the level of strongly with the foot of the machine the fabric slips and zaps stitches ...